Unleashing Senayan Library Management System(SLIMS )

Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS) is open source integrated library management software developed by  Indonesian Library Community in 2007, about 17 versions of SLiMS have been released. It is licensed under the GPL v3. The web application developed by a team from the Center for Information and Public Relations of the Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia was built using PHP , database MySQL , and version control Git . In 2009 , Senayan won INAICTA2009 for the open source category. A total of 250 thousand more times the program has been downloaded. 

Senayan has now developed far. It not only displays book data, but can also display images, sound, electronic books, and even videos. Hendro and his team are also developing so that each Senayan user server can “talk” to each other, so that later a gate can be built to find book data in the network that can browse all catalogs. “Later there will be a gate so that the search for books is only through one site. source wikipedia 


Slims an overview:

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