Koha(18.05) Live DVD on Ubuntu 18.0.4

Koha Live DVD

The Live DVD is based on Ubuntu operating system version 18.0.4 (desktop), containing Koha  18.05. Koha is Integrated Library Management System. Koha is implemented World Wide for Library Computerization for library automation. It is adopted by Thousands of Libraries and the numbers are increasing rapidly for more than ten years  Koha is in operation. Most of LIS professional and students specially in developing countries find it difficult to install Koha on Ubuntu or any other flavor of  Linux, the DVD will make their job easy in installation and exporation of Koha.

Note: The Live DVD is for learning purpose of Librarians and Library and Information Science students. For implantation of koha in your use the standard installation procedure as mentioned on koha official website

Installation procedure

Step-I: Downloading iso File

Download  the koha-live.iso File form the following or Google Drive link:

ISO File Link : https://drive.google.com/open?id=16OuDV8Ug4ZERx9XFawKi9VLVJ2xZKG7K

Note: the file size is about 1.4GB download will take time depending on your internet speed

Step-II. Creating Live DVD/USB  from Live-Koha.iso file:

Burn the ISO file to DVD or USB using any dvd/usb burning software e.g refuse, DVD Burner.

Note: It is recommended to use USB Drive because DVDs some time give error in installation process.

Step-III  Process of Installation

The Live DVD can be installed PC/laptop or Virtual Machine

For Direct Installation on your System. Boot your system from DVD/USB and  Start Installation from the installation shortcut provided on desktop.

Note: the installation is same as the installation of Ubuntu normal installation.

Step-IV: Post Installation Procedure

  1.     Create library-koha user using the following command:                               Sudo adduser library-koha(system will ask for super user password enter the super user password Provide the password for library-koha user  according to your choice and provide the other information as asked)
  2.     Start apache2 using the following command                                                                   
    1.                       sudo service apache2 start
  3.     Change the permissions of Koha Conf.xml fileOpen New terminal by right clicking on desktop and then click open terminal. Execute the following commonsudo chmod 755  /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml
  4. Accessing Koha Admin and OPAC form browsers: 

Open Firefox Browser and type localhost: 8088 in address bar it open koha administrator

The user Name for koha administrator is: librarian

                                                                     and password: Dsi@2018

                  For accessing koha OPAC in Browser (localhost:8089)

The Live DVD created by Faheem Akbar for more details please join our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1663271677296183

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